Supercharge Your Scalable Outreach

Imagine running LinkedIn outreach at scale being as potent as cold emailing on steroids, but without the worry of landing in the spam folder.

We make this a reality by providing you with both cutting-edge software and verified LinkedIn accounts, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional cold email campaigns.

Sounds too good to be true? what do you think about those results.
35$ one account

AI Automated Sequences

Create dynamic multi-step outreach sequences with ease. From initial contact to follow-ups, automate and personalize your engagement.

AI Generated Comments

Increase your visibility by commenting on your target audience with AI-generated comments.

Fully adopted to your CRM

All statuses and communications will be synced with Hubspot CRM

For Teams and Freelancers

Cloud-Based: Sequi works in the cloud, so you can schedule automation and work with replied prospects only. No need to worry about software installations or updates - we've got you covered!

LinkedIn Sequences: Sequi allows you to create and automate LinkedIn sequences, so you can focus on building relationships with your prospects and closing deals.

Designed for Big Sales Teams: Sequi is perfect for large sales teams with a high volume of accounts.

Native Integration with Hubspot: Sequi offers full native integration with Hubspot, so you can easily sync your data and streamline your sales process.

If you're ready to take your sales game to the next level, sign up for Sequi today!


Need some more information to get started?

How do I get started with Sequi?

To get started, sign up and create your new campaign

Is it safe for my account?

It is safe and has been tested a lot with big agencies.
The automation works in the cloud, so we use the extension only to get your cookies.

How can I measure my outreach success?

Utilize our in-depth analytics to track and measure your campaign's performance.

Is there a limit on the number of LinkedIn accounts I can manage?

No, you can manage multiple LinkedIn accounts to maximize your outreach efforts.

How many Linkedin accounts can I use?

You can use unlimited count of Linkedin accounts.

How do I create automated outreach sequences?

Our user-friendly interface allows you to set up multi-step outreach sequences effortlessly.

What actions I can make with Sequi?

You can send invitations, messages, posts likes, comments, visits etc.